12 types of Shoulder Workouts.

Shoulders Workouts: 

The shoulders are the most widely used muscle in the upper body. They function in almost every action that comes your way. They have almost 360 degrees of rotation, not to mention the fact that a broad, thick set looks impressive onstage.

(1).Dumbbell Shoulders Press
  • While holding a dumbbell in each hand, sit on a military press bench or utility bench that has back support. Place the dumbbells upright on top of your thighs.
  • Now raise the dumbbells to shoulder height one at a time using your thighs to help propel them up into position.
  • Make sure to rotate your wrists so that the palms of your hands are facing forward. This is your starting position.
  • Now, exhale and push the dumbbells upward until they touch at the top.
  • Then, after a brief pause at the top contracted position, slowly lower the weights back down to the starting position while inhaling.
  • Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

(2).Incline Dumbbell Press

  • Sit on an Incline Bench while holding a dumbbell on each hand on top of your thighs.
  • Lift your legs up to kick the weights to your shoulders and lean back. Position the dumbbells above your shoulders with your arms extended. The arms should be perpendicular to the floor with your palms facing forward and knuckles pointing towards the ceiling. This will be your starting position.
  • While keeping the arms straight and locked, lift the dumbbells by raising the shoulders from the bench as you breathe out.
  • Bring back the dumbbells to the starting position as you breathe in.
  • Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

(3).Arnold Press

  • Sit on an exercise bench with back support and hold two dumbbells in front of you at about upper chest level with your palms facing your body and your elbows bent. Tip: Your arms should be next to your torso. The starting position should look like the contracted portion of a dumbbell curl.
  • Now to perform the movement, raise the dumbbells as you rotate the palms of your hands until they are facing forward.
  • Continue lifting the dumbbells until your arms are extended above you in straight arm position. Breathe out as you perform this portion of the movement.
  • After a second pause at the top, begin to lower the dumbbells to the original position by rotating the palms of your hands towards you. Tip: The left arm will be rotated in a counter clockwise manner while the right one will be rotated clockwise. Breathe in as you perform this portion of the movement.
  • Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

(4).Shoulders Press

  • Once you pick up the barbell with the correct grip width, lift the bar up over your head by locking your arms. Hold at about shoulder level and slightly in front of your head. This is your starting position.
  • Lower the bar down to the shoulders slowly as you inhale.
  • Lift the bar back up to the starting position as you exhale.
  • Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

(5).Dumbbell Front Raises

  • Pick a couple of dumbbells and stand with a straight torso and the dumbbells on front of your thighs at arms length with the palms of the hand facing your thighs. This will be your starting position.
  • While maintaining the torso stationary (no swinging), lift the left dumbbell to the front with a slight bend on the elbow and the palms of the hands always facing down. Continue to go up until you arm is slightly above parallel to the floor. Exhale as you execute this portion of the movement and pause for a second at the top. Inhale after the second pause.
  • Now lower the dumbbell back down slowly to the starting position as you simultaneously lift the right dumbbell.
  • Continue alternating in this fashion until all of the recommended amount of repetitions have been performed for each arm.

(6).Barbbell Front Raises

  • Adopt a pronated, shoulder-width grip on the barbell from a standing position.
  • Allow your arms to hang straight down to mid thigh with the elbows extended. Your head should face forward, with your shoulders back and your chest up. Maintain a neutral spine and contract your abs to provide core support. This will be your starting position.
  • Initiate the movement by flexing the shoulder, raising the weight straight out in front of you. Keep the elbows extended and the wrist neutral throughout the movement. Continue the upward movement of the arms until the barbell is just above shoulder height.
  • At the top of the motion, pause briefly, and then slowly return to the starting position.

(7).Side Raises

  • Pick a couple of dumbbells and stand with a straight torso and the dumbbells by your side at arms length with the palms of the hand facing you. This will be your starting position.
  • While maintaining the torso in a stationary position (no swinging), lift the dumbbells to your side with a slight bend on the elbow and the hands slightly tilted forward as if pouring water in a glass. Continue to go up until you arms are parallel to the floor. Exhale as you execute this movement and pause for a second at the top.
  • Lower the dumbbells back down slowly to the starting position as you inhale.
  • Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

(8).Rear Deltoid Raises

  • Place a couple of dumbbells looking forward in front of a flat bench.
  • Sit on the end of the bench with your legs together and the dumbbells behind your calves.
  • Bend at the waist while keeping the back straight in order to pick up the dumbbells. The palms of your hands should be facing each other as you pick them. This will be your starting position.
  • Keeping your torso forward and stationary, and the arms slightly bent at the elbows, lift the dumbbells straight to the side until both arms are parallel to the floor. Exhale as you lift the weights. (Note: avoid swinging the torso or bringing the arms back as opposed to the side.)
  • After a one second contraction at the top, slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position.
  • Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

(9).Barbbell Jammer Press

  • Step 1: Place one end of the barbell in the corner or in the holder and then place the weight on the other end.
  • Step 2: Stand on the end that has the weight on it and and grab it with both hands.
  • Step 3: Squat slightly down and hold the barbell in the center of your chest.
  • Step 4: Push the barbell up with both hands and then lower it back down to your chest.
  • Step 5: This completes one repetition.

(10).Upright Row

  • Grasp a barbell with an overhand grip that is slightly less than shoulder width. The bar should be resting on the top of your thighs with your arms extended and a slight bend in your elbows. Your back should also be straight. This will be your starting position.
  • Now exhale and use the sides of your shoulders to lift the bar, raising your elbows up and to the side. Keep the bar close to your body as you raise it. Continue to lift the bar until it nearly touches your chin. Tip: Your elbows should drive the motion, and should always be higher than your forearms. Remember to keep your torso stationary and pause for a second at the top of the movement.
  • Lower the bar back down slowly to the starting position. Inhale as you perform this portion of the movement.
  • Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

(11).Cable Front Raises

  • Select the weight on a low pulley machine and grasp the single hand cable attachment that is attached to the low pulley with your left hand.
  • Face away from the pulley and put your arm straight down with the hand cable attachment in front of your thighs at arms\' length with the palms of the hand facing your thighs. This will be your starting position.
  • While maintaining the torso stationary (no swinging), lift the left arm to the front with a slight bend on the elbow and the palms of the hand always faces down. Continue to go up until you arm is slightly above parallel to the floor. Exhale as you execute this portion of the movement and pause for a second at the top.
  • Now as you inhale lower the arm back down slowly to the starting position.
  • Once all of the recommended amount of repetitions have been performed for this arm, switch arms and perform the exercise with the right one.

(12).Cable Reside Raises
  • Step 1: Lower the handle of the cable machine to the lowest notch.
  • Step 2: Face the cable machine with your left side and grab the handle with your right hand.
  • Step 3: Stand up straight and hold the handle on the right side of your body.
  • Step 4: Keep your arm straight and pull the handle all the way up to your shoulder. Lower the handle back down to your waist.
  • Step 5: Repeat this motion for the desired amount of repetitions and then switch sides.
